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Povera Anna (Italian) from TPRS Books

Povera Anna (Italian) from TPRS Books

$ 9.00


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Povera Anna, by Blaine Ray

adapted to Italian by Patrizia Marrero

The easiest novel that exists in Italian — for first–year students. A vocabulary of only 300 words. Anna is a 15–year–old California girl who leads a tough life. Her mother is always on her. Her family doesn’t have much money, but her best friends’ families are rich. She’s extremely jealous of them. When she gets an opportunity to go to Italy, she goes to a small city where she lives with a very nice family that is poorer than her own family. Her view of her life changes radically. When she gets back to California, she sees everything in a different light. Povera Anna is short and easy. When they read it, beginning students discover that they have actually learned a significant amount of Italian.

 ISBN 9781603720786

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