Kodi Rain
Kodi Rain (they/elle) teaches gender-inclusive Spanish at a Montessori school. They learned and continue to speak gender-inclusive Spanish with queer friends from several Spanish speaking countries, including México, Uruguay, Argentina, and Colombia. They write to increase positive, non stereotyped queer representation in Spanish language learning materials. They co-authored their first reader, Los viernes de películas, with a nonbinary friend from Uruguay.
They enjoy being outdoors, riding their bicycle, listening to music, spending time with friends, and playing with their cats.

Co-author Tian Torrano (they/he) lives in Uruguay and works as a psychologist with trans and nonbinary people. They like to sing, play Pokemon, and spend time with friends. They like when people support each other in difficult times and they also like when people share good times together.

Cicada Abilene (they/she/he) did the illustrations. They are an artist who enjoys being outdoors and studying entomology.