CPLI Command Performance Books CP Language Institute Innovative materials for language learners & teachers, specializing in: •TPR •TPR Storytelling • A Diverse Selection of Comprehension-based Readers • Teacher Resources
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Printable Book Catalogues and Order Forms


NEW! Full CPLI Catalogue, color (2025)



NEW! One-page Elementary Catalogue, color

Printable editable order form (fill out the form online and email it to info@cpli.net)

NEW! Acento Latino Libros Catalogue (2025)

Acento Latino Catalogue updates October 2024 as an Mp4

Print or view on-line.  Order online or print the book order forms to place an order.  Simply photograph or scan and email to info@cpli.net.  If your school is placing the order, include a purchase order number.  We will add shipping and tax and send you or your school an invoice.  Bulk orders will receive a 10% discount or free shipping in the U.S.

Do you want to start a book club or classroom library?  Distribute the elementary catalogue and order form to elementary students and collect their personal orders onto one order form.  Bulk orders submitted through info@cpli.net receive a 10% discount.

10% off Class Sets 25+ and 10% off Classroom Library Packages of 25+


The Science of Safe Use 
of Readers during Covid

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