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Leyendas impactantes, from Fluency Matters

Leyendas impactantes, from Fluency Matters

$ 12.99

LEYENDAS IMPACTANTES, by Kristy Placido for Fluency Matters

Two versions under one cover: Novice and Intermediate

Legends are stories that are traditionally passed from generation to generation, often evolving over time. Many types of legends exist. There are supernatural tales of the dead returned to life or terrifying monsters. There are religious tales, which tell of demons, saints, or miracles. There are legends that explain the origins of those things held most dear to a culture. And there are cautionary legends warning people of the dire consequences of unwise or immoral behavior. All of these types of legends abound in Latin America. Here you will find six exciting traditional tales that will inspire and captivate you!  LEVEL 2 AND ABOVE

Included in this reader:
La muchacha y el viento – Nahuatl (México)
La india Mariana – Argentina
El origen del maíz – Bolivia
La leyenda del coquí – Puerto Rico
El Sombrerón – Guatemala
El Silbón – Venezuela

ISBN 9781945956690

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Mikaela Filson Filson

Leyendas impactantes, from Fluency Matters

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