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Fénix, from Fluency Matters/Wayside

Fénix, from Fluency Matters/Wayside

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A street dog appears on the doorstep of an animal refuge in Morelia, Mexico. He is very sick and needs help. Veterinary students Beto and Javier are determined to save the dog, but he is in very bad condition. With no home, no family, and many other animals at the veterinary clinic who need attention, the dog’s chances of recovery are slim. However, this is one extraordinary dog! Will he rise up against all odds and find a forever home with a family who will love him? This Comprehension-based™ reader, Fénix, strategically weaves high-frequency vocabulary and language structures into a compelling story. LEVEL 1 and above

isbn 978-1641594622

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Compelling story about an injured street dog

Like Carl no quiere ir a México and El Rey Arthur, this is a reader for dog lovers. An injured street dog is cared for by students at the veterinary school and it's a life or death struggle start to finish. It's in the present tense, but there is a lot of vocabulary. Independent readers would struggle with this in level 1, but really enjoy it after they have read several books. For a classroom library I would place it in the level 2 library and suspect it will attract a lot of independent readers. It is well illustrated. I would recommend teachers introduce it with a teaser.
As soon as students know what it's about, they will find it very compelling. There are even some thoughts shared by the dog, like The Art of Racing in the Rain.

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