El Camino del Café by Adriana Ramirez
EL CAMINO DEL CAFÉ is an engaging and inspiring story written for Spanish 4 students. It is the perfect novel to read with your level 4 classes, AP and IB Spanish classes. It will take you around the world, showing you the journey coffee beans took before they arrived to this beautiful land, where they could finally reach their perfect state. By the end of the novel, your knowledge about coffee and your way of appreciating it will definitely change. This novel has a lot of cultural components that will bring students closer to the coffee culture in Colombia. It has a glossary, alphabetically organized, including common expressions that are part of our day to day language.
Synopsis: “Por décadas, el café de Colombia ha sido reconocido a nivel mundial como el mejor y el más suave. Según los expertos, sus granos tienen los atributos perfectos. Pero, ¿de dónde es originario el café y cómo llegó a Colombia? Esta es una historia maravillosa, que llevará al lector por una aventura alrededor del mundo, mostrándole el camino del café.”
isbn 978-1-775369-1-8