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¿En qué estoy pensando? #2 by Carla Tarini

¿En qué estoy pensando? #2 by Carla Tarini

$ 10.00

Read more riddles and keep boosting your Spanish skills quickly with book 2 in this series!

¿En qué estoy pensando? / What am I thinking of? is a popular guessing game that teases the brain. This seven-book series presents descriptions of over 200 nouns, each one written a bit like a riddle. Line by line, clue by clue, you will piece together a picture of who or what is being described. Written in easy-to-understand, present-tense Spanish, the 33 riddles in book 2 will keep you guessing, having fun, and absorbing the language naturally.

isbn 978-1958742037

Click HERE to get the entire ¿En qué estoy pensando? series for 5% off!

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Michele W
Love these books!

We will order and use all Carla Tarini’s riddle books for our middle schoolers. They love solving the riddles, and it’s easy to get a lot of repetition in by reading them one line at a time. In the later books, Carla has added teacher guides that add even more to the experience, including having students write their own. It’s a pleasure to use the “What am I thinking” books!

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