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El Armario (Book 2) (Spanish Edition)

El Armario (Book 2) (Spanish Edition)

$ 8.50

This is the sequel to "Las apariencias engañan", but can be read as a stand-alone novel. Essential elements from part 1 have been skillfully interwoven into part 2, so students don't skip a beat. Liliana has bitten off more than she can chew and her secret life has spiraled out of control.  One can only shove their skeletons into a closet for so long before they begin to march out, one by one. Liliana, however, is far from being the sole keeper of bones: someone has a secret darker than hers. While at a “friend’s” house, Liliana stumbles upon perplexing discoveries...the kind for which people may kill. Time is running out and Liliana must make a decision. For every decision, there is a trail of consequences. Liliana will soon discover that everyone’s closet holds skeletons…but some bones are bigger than others!      Language Learner Literature for Upper-Level Spanish Class 

isbn 978-1985769045

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